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· Be able to manage a solution environment using the Visual Studio 2005 Integrated development environment (IDE) and tools
· Understand the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and the Common Language Runtime
· Be able to program an application by using a .NET Framework 2.0-compliant language
· Know how to make assemblies available to other applications
· Have a basic understanding of XML including XML declaration, elements, attributes, and namespaces
· Have a basic understanding of application domains
· Have a basic understanding of delegates and events
· Have a basic understanding of threads

Unit 1: Building and Consuming a Simple XML Web Service
This unit describes how you can create a simple Web service and client application by using the .NET Framework. It also explains how you can configure client proxies, and debug and deploy Web services.
· Technical Context of Web Services
· Components of Web Service Technology
Lab 1: Building and Consuming a Simple Web Services
· Exercise 1. Creating a Web Service and Client
· Exercise 2. Working with the Client Proxy
· Exercise 3. Deploying a Web Service and Configuring a Client
· Exercise 4. Debugging and Exception Handling in Web Services
· Exercise 5. Determining Web Service Connectivity

Unit 2: Configuring and Customizing a Web Service
This unit introduces a number of important configuration and customization options for Web services. It describes how to control the way in which complex parameters to Web methods are serialized. This unit also shows how to use configuration files to control the way in which a Web service operates. uration files to control the way in which a Web service operates.
· XML Serialization
· How to Use Complex Data Types in Web Services
· How to Use Attributes to Control Serialization
· How to Use Service Configuration Attributes
· Configuration Files Lab 2: Configuring and Customizing a Web Service
· Exercise 1. Creating and Using Custom Data Types
· Exercise 2. Customizing the Web Service
· Exercise 3. Configuring the Web Service Using the Web.config File

Unit 3: Calling Web Methods Asynchronously
This unit explains how to call a Web method asynchronously. It describes how to improve the responsiveness of client applications by avoiding the need to wait for Web methods to complete execution before continuing processing. This unit covers the different options available for calling Web methods asynchronously and it describes how to create one-way methods. vers the different options available for calling Web methods asynchronously and it describes how to create one-way methods.
· The Need for Asynchronous Calls
· Options for Making Asynchronous Calls
· One-Way Methods
Lab 3: Calling Web Methods Asynchronously
· Exercise 1. Using a One-Way Method
· Exercise 2. Calling a Web Method Asynchronously

Unit 4: Building a Remoting Client and Server
This unit describes key remoting concepts, and shows how to create a remoting server and client. This unit describes how to use remoting to call methods in remote objects, and how to pass data across remoting boundaries. This unit also shows how to configure and deploy remoting applications. scribes how to use remoting to call methods in remote objects, and how to pass data across remoting boundaries. This unit also shows how to configure and deploy remoting applications.
· Technical Context of Remoting
· Remoting Servers and Clients
· Important Components of Remoting
Lab 4: Building a Remoting Client and Server
· Exercise 1. Implementing a Simple Remoting Client and Server
· Exercise 2. Passing Data by Value
· Exercise 3. Configuring Remoting Channels and Activation Modes Programmatically
· Exercise 4. Configuring Remoting Channels and Activation Modes with Configuration Files
· Exercise 5. Deploying and Debugging Remotable Classes

Unit 5: Creating and Serializing Remotable Types
This unit describes how to transfer complex data values across remoting boundaries, and the issues involved in doing so. It compares and contrasts the marshal by value and marshal by reference mechanisms for accessing remote data. This unit also covers version compatibility issues between clients and servers using different versions of a class, and the special requirements for remoting generic classes.lue and marshal by reference mechanisms for accessing remote data. This unit also covers version compatibility issues between clients and servers using different versions of a class, and the special requirements for remoting generic classes.
· Marshal by Value
· Marshal by Reference
· Version Compatibility for Remotable Types
· Generic Classes
Lab 5: Creating and Serializing Remotable Types
· Exercise 1. Using Serialization Formatters
· Exercise 2. Using Marshal by Reference
· Exercise 3. Using Version Tolerant Serialization

Unit 6: Performing Remoting Operations Asynchronously
This unit describes how to call a method asynchronously in the remoting environment. It covers the different techniques you can use and it explains how to raise events in a remoting server and handle them in a client. Unit 6: Performing Remoting Operations Asynchronously
· This unit describes how to call a method asynchronously in the remoting environment. It covers the different techniques you can use and it explains how to raise events in a remoting server and handle them in a client.
· Asynchronous Methods
· Calling Remote Methods Asynchronously
· One-Way Methods
· Using Events in Remoting Applications
Lab 6: Performing Remoting Operations Asynchronously
· Exercise 1: Calling Remote Methods Asynchronously
· Exercise 2: Raising and Handling Events in Remoting


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